Best Binoculars for Farming: Top 3 Reviewed

Best binoculars for farming review

Binoculars perform the basic function of providing enlarged images of objects in the distance. This function makes the binoculars a versatile tool that can be applied in a number of settings. Some of these settings include wildlife viewing, hiking, birdwatching, hunting, stargazing, golfing, some sporting events, and even theatre.  However, one thing that is not … Read more

Machias Seal Island in Maine: An Overview

Machias Seal Island puffins

Every birder should visit Machias Seal Island at least once. (The author has been eight times.). This is one of the very few breeding colonies where visitors are allowed to land on the island and get close to the birds. What Do You See? You can observe at very close range breeding: Atlantic Puffin, Razorbill, … Read more

Names for Groups of Birds


All of the names in this list may be used by birders who wish to display their knowledge, although it is probably linguistically inaccurate (and it is bad manners) to interrupt someone who refers to “a flock of swans” by saying, “Surely you mean a whiteness of swans.” The names are still fun to know … Read more

Suet: Facts, Feeders, and Recipes

Suet facts, feeders, and recipes

Suet is raw beef fat from around the kidneys and loins. Suet is one of the best foods to attract nuthatches, woodpeckers, wrens, titmice, creepers, kinglets, chickadees, thrashers, cardinals and even bluebirds and unfortunately the starlings and squirrels! To discourage the starlings, purchase a suet feeder cage that is covered on all sides but the … Read more

Birds and Wind Developments

birds and wind turbines

The Challenge Wind power has the ability to be a green, bird-friendly form of power generation, but it can also adversely affect birds. In 2009, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service estimated that 440,000 birds per year were killed by U.S. wind turbines, and included this figure in the agency’s 2013 budget request to Congress. … Read more

North American Migration Flyways

North American Migration Flyways

Welcome to our article about North American migration flyways! We’ll get into specific routes a bit further below, but first, an introduction. North American Migration Flyways – Introduction There are many routes that migratory birds follow, and although some of them are pretty simple, some of them are extremely complicated and hard to trace. Many … Read more